Opeyemi Omidiji

Productivity: 5 Tips On How To Be Productive

Wondering how to increase your level of productivity? I won’t even lie, it has not been easy. I’ve heard people say that blogging is easy because I publish three times a week. So many messages come in from people telling me that I must really have the passion and that’s why I’m really consistent. While some ask if I’m a robot, others ask if I use something to induce my productivity. Let me not deceive you, passion is not enough to keep you consistent. Some went as far as asking me if I’m chasing anything or if anything is chasing me. Lol… Nothing is chasing me, it was just a decision I made to show up for you every time that I need to show up.

productivity definition

The truth is, learning how to be productive on a consistent basis is a skill on its own. Productivity was a challenge for me and I know that many people are also struggling to stay productive. Being productive goes beyond your love and passion for a thing. It might be easy to show up for the first few months but what happens after that? This is why I decided to share with you the things I do to consistently stay productive. You really want to know, make sure you don’t stop reading.

How to be productive

1. Resolution

This one is different from the new year resolution you know about. it was a decision I made to myself and to my readers before even starting this blog. It is a decision I often make before I embark on a project. I have purposed in my heart to always show up no matter how hard it may be. It was a resolution that had me talking to myself for days. I repositioned my mindset from ‘I’m doing this for fun’ to ‘I’m doing this for somebody out there and I need to be disciplined enough to show up for that person.

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This is one thing every person that wants to be productive needs to do. Make a resolution and stay true to it. Speak to yourself, reposition your mind, decide to be disciplined. If you do all these, the journey to being productive just got easy.

2. No idea is trash, write them down

I have this really cute jotter book that I write my ideas in. I don’t bother to try to fine-tune ideas in my head. As soon as they drop, I write them down. Many ideas that do not seem like they can work at first end up becoming ideas that work best. Most times, things that we laugh at because they seem ridiculous are the things that end up working well. But we find out too late when someone else is already working on them.

Writing these things is one of the reasons why I’ve not run out of content yet. No matter how funny your ideas can seem at first, write them down. Make sure you revisit and then finetune the ideas to make them work.

3. Plan

Before the beginning of every week, I set out time to think about what I want the new week to look like, things that I need to do, and how I want to do them. I plan each day of each week so much that I don’t leave anything to chance. I write to-do lists and put a deadline for my plans. This has helped me stay on track and given me a sense of direction over time.

If you want to stay productive, you’ll also have to set goals and make plans. Never leave things to chances. Determine what you want your week to look like, set deadlines, and make sure you cross out all everything on your to-do list daily. Zone out distractions when it is time to work and you’ll double your productivity.

4. Eat and rest well

This point cannot be overemphasized. It took me time to prioritize this but when I did, my productivity level went a notch higher. It’s so bad that if I don’t eat, I might not be able to think straight.

My advice to you, don’t joke with food. You need the nutrients. Rest well too, it is refreshing.

5. Reward yourself

I said this in the previous post as an extra point. No matter how little it might be, make sure you do something for yourself every time you meet a target. It serves as motivation and it makes you want to do more. As little as sharwama and a bottle of drink, I try to buy them for myself every time I meet a target. Other times, I could decide to buy myself something from my wishlist to serve as compensation.

Do something for yourself too. It has worked for me and it should work for you too.


I’ll like to say that this is just 5 out of the things I do to consistently be productive. I wake up early and I try to be accountable to someone. I keep discovering new things daily and I practice them. I’ll advise that you also take time to find what works for you and don’t stop doing them. I believe 2020 is not over for us so I’ll say cheers to increased productivity.

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With love,

Opeyemi Omidiji

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