Opeyemi Omidiji

It’s My 25th Birthday: 15 lessons I’ve Learnt So Far

It’s my 25th birthday! Yaaayyyy!!

I’m literally dancing as I type this because my heart is so full of joy. What exactly is so exciting about being 25, you’ll ask? I actually might not know. All I know is that my own experience is different from every other 25 years old out there and mine is definitely thrilling.

Before now, the thought of turning 25 was scary. Growing up, I used to think by 25, I’ll have everything figured out. I had everything planned. Lol! The truth is I don’t have it figured out yet, but who cares?!  I won’t wallow in disappointment for things I’m yet to achieve. Rather I’ll celebrate my little wins. Whew…

25th birthday

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I’m so thankful to God for sparing my life till this time. God’s grace and mercy kept me till now. Growing up, I’ve had my fair share of ups and downs but His grace brought me this far.

Do you know what’s more exciting?

What’s more exciting is the fact that I’m finally launching my blog after so many years of procrastination. If I’ll put time to it, I had launched my blog in 2018 in my head. IKR!

It means so much to me that my baby is going live on my birthday. Just see it as my gift to you. Now you see why I’m so pumped about my 25th birthday.

My 25th birthday: 15 lessons I’ve learned over the years

I have sure learned more than 15 lessons and there’s still so much left for me to learn. Let me share with you the top 15 lessons that have helped me get to where I am today. 

  1. Whatever makes you happy, do it.
  2. Nobody has it figured out; everybody is just trying to get by.
  3. You can do anything, so far you set your mind to achieving it 
  4. Stop trying to impress people, they don’t even care
  5. Don’t compare yourself to others, there is no set definition of success
  6. It’s okay to fail, it’s part of the growth process as long as you learn from it.
  7. Invest in friendships, they sometimes worth more than money
  8. Sometimes all you need is a break to figure things out
  9. Live within your means
  10. Save! Save!! Save!!!
  11. Don’t stop learning, adding value makes you more valuable
  12. Success might take time, trust the process
  13. Never take God out of the equation
  14. It is okay to have mentors or people you are accountable to
  15. Worry less but don’t stop working

On a final note, I’ll love that you hold on to this. You still have many years ahead of you, don’t let anybody rush you. You are not too old!

If your family is like mine, you should already be getting questions like, when will you get married? Let nobody pressurize you into doing what you are not ready for. That your little achievement is also an achievement and there’s still time for more.

A step at a time and you’ll definitely get there.

Feel free to add your lessons in the comment section and don’t forget to wish me a happy birthday. 

With love,

Opeyemi Omidiji 

Read Also: 5 Tips For Personal Growth And Development

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